Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Teeth!

London got her first 2 teeth a little bit after her 9 month birthday (July 26th).  On the 28th, her school called me to ask if they could give her some tylenol.  They said she had been crying all morning.  She never cries so they knew something was wrong and suspected she was teething.  You could really see her top 2 tooth buds and her gums were red and swollen.  It was pretty obvious this was the source of her discomfort.  It is hard to say the exact day her teeth actually broke through because she didn't like me to touch and feel them...I'm sure they were pretty tender (but I think they offically came through on the 31st).  About 1 1/2 weeks after her top 2 teeth came through, her bottom 2 teeth decided to come out and join them.  It is so tough to get pictures of her milestones, like clapping and waving, because she tries to come after me and grab the camera everytime!

Here she is nibbling on a cold Nemo while trying to get some relief from those teeth:

I caught a shot of all 4 teeth while she was giggling and reaching for the camera!
P1040352 P1040354

1 comment:

Jeramy, Terrie, Eli, and Aiden said...

oh momma gretty! she is sooo beautiful! I sure do miss her!