Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Happy Halloween!!! Hudson and I painted faces on our little pumpkins our first full day home together. Daddy had to go up to Ft. Worth for work so I had my first test home alone with 2 babies...they were both very good so other than being exhausted it wasn't so bad. On Friday, Hudson went to school so he could be part of the school Halloween party and parade. He had a great time with his friends! One of the other mother's told me Hudson asked her to take a picture of him with all of the girls who were all dressed like princesses! He's already a little lady's man!

Becoming Buzz on Halloween Day!

To Infinity And Beyond!!!

This is my favorite picture!!!

Trick or Treat!!! He was a big hit at every house we went to. Even the kids passing by commented on how cool he looked! It made him very proud...I think he thought he was celebrity status!
Hudson had a great time handing out candy to the kids too!
One lady gave him a new hot wheels car in his trick or treat bag!!! I'm pretty sure she made it to the top of his favorite neighbor list with that one!

He was very excited to walk under the monster to get some candy at this house!

Shawna and Jeff were very nice to let us borrow their golf cart to trick or treat so I could go along. Thanks you guys!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Going Home

London and I were both doing great so we decided to pack up and go home a day early from the hospital. We wanted to be able to spend some time with my parents before they had to leave and we wanted to surprise Hudson. He had been so excited for us to bring London home! He has given her a least 100 kisses and hugs a day since we brought her home!
She was a little jaundice when we left the hospital so we had to take her back the next day to have her billirubin tested again. It was still slightly high but not high enough to worry about.

Here is Hudson trying out his old car seat---he's grown a bit since his days in this chair!

Cheers to 3 generations!

London's 1st time in her car seat:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Baby London's Arrival: 10-26-09 (lots of pictures!)

For some reason my pictures are uploading weird and I don't have the patients to correct it right now!

Here are pictures from the day London arrived into the world: 10-26-09 at 12:13 PM! She was 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 in. long.

I had a scheduled induction for 6:30 am however, 4 sets of twins came in at the same time for emergency deliveries! So...we had to wait for our turn. I was really nervous to be induced because everyone kept telling me that it is more painful. However, that wasn't the case for me thank goodness! They got me in my room, put in my IV (which was a bit painful), and started dosing me with pitocin. Shortly after that, I got my epidural which was pretty much pain free. My doctor came in and broke my water. I pretty much had a pain free labor for 2 hours. I started feeling some of the stronger contractions so my nurse was getting worried my epidural was not spreading. She had me roll over on to my side and I immediately dilated from a 7 to a 10! She called my doctor and Dr. Hampton sprinted over to the hospital. I love her! She was so pumped up and excited to deliver London! I gave the magic epidural button a couple of squeezes to make sure I was nice and numb and it was GO TIME!! About 15 minutes later London was born! She was healthy and beautiful!

Here are my pictures in reverse order:

Hudson snuggling with me and London as we watched a Scooby-do Halloween cartoon.

London's first hug from Hudson! He was SO excited about his baby sister!!

Hudson's first time to hold London:

Our first time to admire her:

Jason, Me & London, Dr Hampton

My first time to see her:

London's first picture!

This is the point where they told me it was time and I started getting a little nervous!

My cheerleaders waiting by patiently...well, kind of patiently!

Here I am covered up with my sweater trying to stay warm! I had just gotten all checked in and just got my IV put in by a nervous, new nurse...lucky me! But that was the most painful part of the whole delivery so not so bad!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Waiting for London

London decided to come into the world a little over a week late so we had lots of time to spend with my mom and dad! Here are some pictures of us in the 2 weeks before as we waited for the big day to come.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Blast From Halloween Past

Halloween 2007: Hudson as an elephant (first time to trick-or-treat)

Halloween 2008: Pumpkin Patch

Halloween 2008: Hudson as a Spider

Friday, October 23, 2009

A very delayed post

I wanted to blog about this mostly so I wouldn't forget when it occured so it is a very delayed posting. Hudson officially became 100% potty trained back in July!! He had been very good about going peepee but not so good about the other. I had just been discussing this with my mom and she told me to just be patient because one day it would just "click" and he would get the hang of it. She was so right! It just so happened that 2 days after she told me that, it "clicked"! Hudson was sitting on the potty before bath time, I gave him a book to read, he took care of business and that was our routine from that point forward! He even stopped going at night time. I continued to put pull-ups on him during the night but every morning when he would wake up, they would be completely dry. He hasn't even had a single accident! Perfect time with a new baby on the way! He's such a good boy! : )

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Saturday, the 17th (Sweetest Day), was London's offical due date. I was really hoping she would arrive that day since it was Sweetest Day but I guess whatever day she comes on will be sweet! We decided to go visit the pumpkin patch so I could spend some time walking around. We even road the train through the Christmas tree farm which was quite a bumpy ride...but still she decided she was snug as a bug. Hudson had a great time playing on the moonwalk, climbing on the pumpkins, petting the goat, racing rubber ducks, and riding the train!