Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

YMCA Dragon Boat Races

Last Friday, I participated in the YMCA Dragon Boat Races!  This is an event for local businesses to come together and have fun competing in team building events.  The Dragon Boat Races are the main event but there are lots of other events we compete in as well.  I did it when I worked with Lexicon so I was very excited to have the opportunity to participate with US Oncology this year!  We had SO much fun!!  I wish every day at work was like this!  We were so sweaty, dirty, and smelly at the end of the day but it was well worth it!!  We had 3 teams from US Oncology competing on the same day.  My team was the green team: United We Oar (Are) - - named for our current campaign slogan.
I've always been a paddler in the past but I guess they couldn't see my invisible muscles and thought I'd be a good drummer!  It was fun to drum!  I was a little nervous about keeping the beat b/c that is how everyone knows how to keep their paddle stroke in time.  Shari, the girl behind me, was the flag catcher. 

Here we go....

This was a game called Field Polo and it was so tiring!!  They re-named it Cardiac Arrest!  It was fun though!
Dodge Ball!

Human Foosball (also lots of fun but we all ate lots of sand...yuck!)

Here I am cheering on the team and waiting for my turn to go in...

Minute To Win It!

The orange team was made up of all of our IT people (mostly guys).  This is one of the Minute To Win It challenges.  You had to put an oreo on your forehead and use only your face muscles to get it in your mouth.  I love this sequence of pictures so I had to post them all!! It was so funny!!!

I also loved their USON tattoos!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hudson's 1st Stitches

Hudson received his 1st 2 stitches Sept. 15. 

The story:  Well, we've had a problem with Hudson being naughty at school lately.  It has been a challenge to discipline him for it and figure out creative ways to nip it in the bud (especially since he doesn't act this way at home).  We moved his fish, Charlie Cook, out of his room.  As soon as he earned him back, he went back to being naughty at school.  Then we took all of his toys and cartoons away (except for books and puzzles) and he has had to earn those back.  He also had to go straight to bed as soon as we got home one day to really make a point.  Then the golden ticket arrived in my hands!  He was invited to 2 really cool birthday parties and both are on Sept. 25th.  I started a chart to count down the days until the birthday parties.  Each day he is good at school, he can put a star sticker on that day.  If he gets enough stars then he will get to go to the parties.  So far this has worked!  He has finally been really good every day for an entire week now.  On the way to school yesterday, the day of the stitches, Jason was praising him for being so good.  Hudson asked if he could go to Mrs. Donald's for ice cream and to play if he was good the whole day. {Side note: He calls McDonald's Mrs. Donalds.  He also thinks Wendy from Wendy's is a real lady.  I took him there to get a Frosty one day and he said, "Mama, I sure do like Wendy.  She is a really nice girl!".} So anyway, the boys called me before I left for work and asked if I would take Hudson to Mrs. Donald's after work if he was good.  I agreed. Then I picked both him and London up after work and right after his teacher told me he was good, he asked if I was taking him to Mrs. Donald's for real food and ice cream.  Since I was in heels, a dress, and had London with me, I thought maybe I could get out of going inside since he didn't mention playing.  We went through the drive through and ordered a Happy Meal and ice cream and started to drive away.  He became really upset as I started to drive away and he asked why we weren't going inside to play.  I gave in after making him promise to leave easily when it was time to leave.  His friend from school, Cameron, was also there with his Dad and Brother.  Cameron and Hudson were having the best time playing together when all of the sudden we heard a big fall that ended with a loud 'smacking' sound...then came the screaming cry.  Cameron's Daddy and I jumped up and searched the giant play area for the crying kid.  I found Hudson in the stairwell leading up to the tunnels.  He had fallen down the stairs and his head hit one of the steps.  I had London in my arms so Cameron's Dad quickly climbed inside the playcenter, very calmly talked to Hudson while looking him over for wounds.  He noticed the back of his head was bleeding quite a bit and he brought Hudson out.  It was a little tough to keep London wrangled while I was cleaning up Hudson's head to see how bad the cut was.  I was so lucky to have Cameron's Dad there.  He quickly brought ice, lots of paper towels, he helped me clean everything up and he even put Hudson's shoes back on for me.  As soon as Hudson stopped crying, he asked for his Happy Meal toy and I knew he was all right!  We went home and I cleaned him up some more and got a better look at the gash in his head.  We called Dr. Black to get his opinion if we should take Hudson to the ER or not and he said yes.  Jason went ahead and took him while I staid home and got London to bed.  He sent me the picture updates below and bragged how brave and tough Hudson was the whole time.  He said everyone at the ER were completely amazed at how well he did!

Here he is getting his vitals checked.  Jason said Hudson told the Dr. that he had all of those things in his Dr. kit at home but he didn't have an office yet.

Here he is getting the wound cleaned out:

I thought this was his bandage when I first saw the picture but Jason said it was some sort of local anesthetic they applied before giving him a shot to numb the wound so they could stitch it up.
He knew Gigi had been in the ER twice this past week so he wanted to call her to tell her he was there too.  He told her and Papa all about what happened! 
They finally arrived back home and he was so excited to show me all of the stickers they gave him!  This morning he asked me if we could go back to Mrs. Donald's to play.  I told him his head needs to heal first.  Kids are so resilient...they just bounce right back!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Labor Day Weekend: Crystal Beach

It was a beautiful day so we decided to try out Crystal Beach.  We drove down to Galveston and took the ferry over.  I wish I had my camera out on the ferry ride because there were dolphins jumping EVERY WHERE!!  We couldn’t count them there were so many!!  This was London’s first time to go to the beach at the ocean and she LOVED it.   She maybe loved it a little too much because she really wanted to eat it!  She was not afraid of the water at all.  She wanted to crawl right into it!
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Hudson also had a great time!  There were some Japanese fishermen not far from us.  Every time they would catch a little fish, they would bring it to Hudson to put in his bucket to play with.  His bucket started getting a little full with 5 fish and we had to politely tell them we had enough fish to play with!
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I finally gave up on trying to make a kite (since I can’t sew) to finish off Hudson and London’s playroom and I found the perfect one to buy.  We decided to take it down from the toy room and take it with us to the beach.  It flew perfectly and Jason had fun being the kite pilot.
More pictures of London squishing the wet sand in her hands and toes!
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Hudson and Jason had lots of fun playing in the waves.  Hudson got on Jason’s back and pretended Jason was a boat.
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London took a nice nap with the ocean breeze blowing on her while she listened to some good ole country music.
Hudson discovered he would sink into the sand if he stood still long enough.  Then he tried to pull Jason out of the sand and 'save' him.
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On our drive to the beach, Hudson watched Shrek.  He thought the part where Shrek took a mud shower was really funny so he decided to take a mud shower too.
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Here are the fish that the fishermen gave him:
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Here is London’s 1st trip to the beach picture.  Unfortunately, she was too distracted by the sand to look up at me but it’s still cute!  It was a very fun, very perfect day at the beach!

London's 1st Ponytail

London's teachers were playing with her hair at school and gave her a ponytail!  She looked sooo cute when I picked her up!  Hudson aaannnndddd Daddy were both VERY excited about it too!!  It's like she melted their hearts all over again!

I took it out when it was bath time and she looked like she had a crazy mohawk!

Moody Gardens

We took Hudson and London to the aquarium at Moody Gardens.  Hudson LOVED it!!  He ran from place to place with such excitement!  He really enjoyed the seals and watching them do tricks for food!   Here they are watching the seals swim and play.
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Hudson’s 2nd favorite was probably the sharks. 
I really enjoyed the penguins!
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I also thought this seadragon was really cool!
We got to touch sea urchins and starfish!
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Here we are going through the shark tunnel and Hudson getting his passport stamp for this part of the aquarium.
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Here are the boys ‘holding their breath’ while they were in the ocean looking at the eel.
London had fun snuggling with all of the animals in the gift shop.  We ended up getting her a super cute hot pink sea turtle.
After the aquarium, we had lunch at The Rainforest Cafe and headed home.   
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