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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

upside down

Hudson loves standing on his head, doing flips & summersaults, basically anything that means being upside down. He thinks it is the funniest thing ever!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

laundry time

Who would have thought laundry could be so much fun! It takes a lot longer to fold clothes these days!

Monday, July 21, 2008


One of Hudson's favorite things to do is put on shoes. If you have shoes anywhere in our house they are fair game. He totally would have won the Heel-a-thon on Regis and Kelly!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I got Hudson a new bubble blower lawn mower today...Eli LOVES chasing the bubbles and Hudson LOVES chasing Eli!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We've been stuck inside a lot since Hudson has been sick. He's getting a little tired of playing with the same old toys so it was time to get creative...and build a tunnel! He loved it! He kept telling me & Eli to "c'mon!" and crawl through it with him. I got down on the floor and somehow squeezed my way through without getting too claustrophobic. When Jason got home Hudson told him to "c'mon" too! Jason also managed to squeeze through and then they hung out and told "secrets" in their fort!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Not feeling well

Today I found out that my little Huddy Buddy has mild pneumonia. : ( He had to get a shot of antibiotics in each leg and will be on oral antibiotics the next 10 days. You can see that he fell into a nice deep slumber when we got back from the doctor.
Jason had to pull out his bag of tricks to get Hudson to do his entire breathing treatment!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Nabbed the bandit

Our excitment for today...our neighbor, Jeff, trapped a racoon in his garage. He called Jason over to help him load it up so they could take it to a wooded area and release it. Hopefully it has found a nice new home of its own.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Back from vacation

We just got back from vacationing in the tropics...or Ohio. We had a great time hanging out with all of our family! We were very busy and took lots of pictures so there will be several postings about our adventures as I am able to sift through the photos and choose my favorites.

I'll start at the beginning...Hudson got to make his 2nd trip on an airplane but this was the first time that he has been able to take it all in and either enjoy it or hate it. We were pretty nervous because our flight was scheduled to pull out at the same time Hudson usually takes his naps. We weren't sure if he would sleep the whole trip or not be able to get comfortable and scream the whole trip. Luckily, he enjoyed the take off even with all of the turbulance. Then he watched The Fox and the Hound until he fell sound asleep. So all went well!

We made it to Uncle Bill's house where Hudson quickly discovered the boats...and pretty much proclaimed himself "Captain" the whole time we were there.

My following postings will go backwards from this one because I am going to try to enter them on days that they actually happened on. To be continued....

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

We had a super fun 4th of July! Uncle Bill had his annual party at the lake. His neighbor, Barry, has the best fireworks we ended our vacation with a bang!
Hudson was affraid of all of the noise the fireworks made so he didn't really enjoy the show that much. Towards the middle of the show I thought to cover his ears so he removed his head that was burried into my arm to watch for a little while. Mostly, he couldn't figure out what the heck was going on around him. I think it felt like he was in a war zone!

Yeah! After a couple of diving ventures to find lost hammers, power tools, etc. that had fallen into the lake, the guys finished extending the boat docks today! And, the girls throwing rocks up to line the side. (That's hard work too!) Good job on the new Goodsite looks great!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Fun Day at Lake Erie

Today was the annual Harley ride around Lake Erie for all of the guys so we girls hit the beach to work on our tans! It was a perfect day and we had a great time! Hudson loved the water, throwing the sand, not so much eating the sand, & playing on the playground! Later in the day, we met up with the guys to get a bite to eat and to swap stories of our days.