Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 31, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Play Date with the Cox Family

Mindy, Jeremy, Magnolia, and Caleb came over and spent a fun day with us!  Hudson and Magnolia had fun playing in Hudson's toy room while London and Caleb exchanged a little baby chatter and we all shared lots of laughs. Thanks for hanging out with us--we had a great time with great friends!!

Are these 4 cute kids or what?!?!?

Freeze Pop!

We bought our first batch of freeze pops for the summer and Hudson couldn’t wait to have a green one!  


Mother’s Day 2010

I hope all of the Mommies out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day!!  We spent the afternoon at the Waterway.  We started off with lunch at Grimaldi’s for some pizza.  After filling up our bellies, we made our way to the fountains and splash pad. 


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Hudson had a blast playing in the water and we had a blast watching him!

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After playing in the water, we decided to go for a walk down the waterway.  It was a perfect day for a walk.  It was over cast so it wasn’t too hot and there was a perfect breeze.  London took in the ride by taking a nice nap.  Hudson observed, asked lots of questions, and kept the commentary flowing. 

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After our walk we played in the water some more!

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This was my view on the way home and why I am so grateful to be a mother. 


Monday, May 10, 2010


Jason took Hudson fishing in one of the ponds by our house.  He caught his 1st big fish!!  He actually caught 3: 1 bass and 2 catfish.  He was really excited even though he looks a little terrified in the pictures.  He wasn't quite sure what to do with them after catching them. He got a little upset that we didn't take them home with us becuase he thought he'd get to put them in our aquarium at home.  I had to explain to him that 1 fish would take up the entire aquarium and it wouldn't have any room to swim around. 

This picture is from a different day when they didn't catch anything.  That was before they used their secret bait: hotdogs!

Mom's & Babes Festival

Again, back on April 17th, Mindy, Ashlee, and I met up with our kids at the 1st annual Mom's and Babes Fest at Market Street.  We had a really good time but we hardly saw each other because we were all so busy keeping up with our kids.  They had lots of fun activities for the kids to participate in.  Hudson got to make a bird feeder by rolling a pine cone in peanut butter and then in birdseed.  We hung it in our tree at home where a mama bird just hatched some baby birds.  I think of all of the fun activities they had to do, Hudson's favorite was probably playing in the sandbox which was more like a sandtable.  He played in that thing forever!

Here he is with Winnie the Pooh:

And with Big Bird:

I didn't get any pictures of London while I was there so here is a random picture of her chubby legs with her knee wrinkles!

Montgomery County Fair

Back on April 17th, Jason's firm had a BBQ booth at the Montgomery County Fair and Rodeo.  Their team name was Habeas Porkus!  BBQ competitions are a very big deal at Texas rodeos and the teams go ALL out!  One of the local fire departments had a BBQ booth next to the firm's and it was awesome!  They converted an old firetruck into a giant smoker!!  The firemen saw Hudson light up when he saw it and asked him if he wanted to come sit in the truck.  Then they gave him a T-shirt (that is waaaay to big but he claims he has grown into it!) that he calls his fire shirt. 

Jason watched London while Hudson and I rode a roller coaster!  Although, you can only see me in the picture.  Hudson had a blast and rode with his hands in the air the whole time!  He yelled out lots of, "Whoo-whoo's!!". 
This was right about the time when London was just starting to get her cold so she wasn't feeling very well.  Brandon is one of the attorney's at Jason's firm and his Dad came to the BBQ with him.  He was completely mesmerised by London.  Just as I had gotten her to sleep, he offered to hold her so I could eat.  I warned him she would probably wake up during the hand-over and might cry but he said that was okay.  I handed her over and sure enough, she woke up.  He tried to put her back to sleep for about 2 seconds before telling me he thought she wanted to be awake as he got a big grin on his face.  He was on cloud nine!  He turned her around so she was facing him and was bouncing her up and down and playing with her and then she spit up ALL over his white shirt!  And she never spits up!  He was still so loving and nice and just handed her back and told me she was just trying to make him part of "the club". 

This next picture is not at the rodeo but it looks like something you'd see at the rodeo so I included it here.  This was actually outside of a Mexican restaurant that we went to.   As you can see by Hudson's expression, he thought this was a really cool truck!

Friday, May 7, 2010

6 Months

I don't know how in the world six months have already flown by!  I just can't believe London is 6 months old already.  She has brought so much joy into our lives and we are sure to soak up every moment!  She is always full of smiles and is such a sweetheart. 

Happy 1/2 Birthday London!  We got her a cupcake just for taking pictures!  Her little fingers don't stop feeling things right now...I'm pretty sure they moved at the speed of light to get to the hot pink frosting on this cupcake!

London had her 6 month check up on April 26th.  Dr. John said she is perfectly porportioned as she ranked in the 70th percentile on all of her stats:
  • Length: 26.25 inches
  • Weight: 16 lbs. 13 oz.
  • Head Circumference: 17
  • She wears size 6 months clothes although she can also fit into 6-12 months.
  • I still have her in a size 2 diaper but it's probably time to move up to 3's!
  • She also started sleeping through the night about the time she started sitting up on her own!  Yay!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Poor Sick Boy

We have all, except Jason, had a yucky cold virus the past couple of weeks.  London had it first and had to have her very first round of antibiotics because she was starting to get an ear infection.  Then I had it along with pink eye.  Now Hudson has it and has been completely lethargic.  I've been called to come pick him up from school the past 2 days.  Yesterday, they called me because he threw up but once we got home he seemed just fine.  He took an extra long nap and felt a little bit warm but other than that he seemed fine.  He woke up singing Chicka Chicka Boom Boom at the top of his lungs so after taking some extra time to observe him, I decided to take him to school.  Bad decision.  They called me at lunch saying he didn't want to go outside and play or eat lunch and he fell asleep early...all 3 are completely opposite of him on a normal day.  Here is my sweet pea snuggling up and getting some much needed love from his little sis:

After he woke up he told me, "Mama, I'm so happy we have London.".

Poor sick boy...

I Love Toys!

London LOVES to play with toys.  Her little fingers never stop moving and exploring things.  She has really become interested in checking out peoples faces with those little fingers too.  Hudson loves to lay down right beside her so she will play with his hair and his ears.  She also loves to feel Julio's hair and gets really excited when comes close to her.  Luckily, he also seems to like it when she plays with his hair.  Hudson is also glad that London can sit next to him and play with her toys while he plays with his.  He tries to give her cars to play with but she's not quite as interested in those as he is!  Here are a couple pictures of her playing:

mmmmm....sweet potatoes

London has been doing so well eating her baby food.  She loves to eat!  However, she is NOT a fan of her green veggies.  I keep trying to sneak them into her rotation but there's no fooling her...peas and greenbeans are out!  She loves all things orange though.  It took her a while to get used to fruit but she finally started enjoying it.  She would make the funniest expressions for the longest time when we would feed her fruit.  She would make this face like she just ate a really sour lemon and  then she would look down and shiver.  Yet she would open her mouth for more!

The Walker!

We got the walker out of the attic this past weekend and I have enjoyed so many smiles and giggles this week!  Hudson LOVES to push London around the house.  I'm not so sure that she is going to learn to walk this way but she sure does have fun!  Hudson talks her ear off the whole time he is driving her around and she just looks up at him with a huge smile.  I hope they are always good friends!

Love this smile...

Hudson and Julio had a great time playing with his boa the other day...

Updating London's Milestones

I have been wanting to post some videos of London rolling over but it has taken me a while to find the time to upload them.  (Although, in the video I posted she was tired and only rolling onto her side but you get the the point!)  Now it is way past the time she met this milestone and she is also sitting up on her own.  She started rolling all the way over Easter weekend.  The following weekend, she started sitting up all by herself.

Travis' Birthday Party

I just realized that I never posted the pictures from Travis' birthday party we went to back toward the beginning of April.  (My pictures are all out of order b/c I was having a hard time uploading them for some reason) Travis' mom is so nice and she is VERY creative!  Their last name is Painter so they had a painting party!  So fun! 

The fences in their backyard were covered in brown paper for the kids to paint on. There were also little stations set up with different painting tools so they could have fun creating whatever they desired!

Travis' mom made little aprons for all of the kids to wear while they painted.  She also provided little canvases so the kids could make their handprints or whatever they wanted and take them home.  Here is Hudson making his:
Here is Hudson hanging out with his long time pal, Emma.  They are only about 2 weeks apart in age and have always gone to the same daycare.  {Emma's mom is from Oklahoma and her Dad is from Arkansas (They went to OSU and UA).  We also learned at this birthday party that Emma's Dad was stationed on the same battleship as Jason's friend, Tom, when he was in the navy!  What a small world! } It was so fun to listen in on their little conversation while they took a juice break!

It was a really windy day and Margie, Travis' mom, couldn't keep the candle lit on Travis' cupcake so he had to pretend to blow it out.  All of the kids thought this was hilarious!  Margie, even made "painted" cupcakes that were AWESOME!!

Here is Hudson enjoying his cupcake!
London just chilled in her seat and enjoyed the people watching:

Jason thought the cupcakes were pretty scrumptious too!

The kids also received a really awesome goody bag filled with a Buzz Lightyear canvas to paint and a farmer on a tractor.  Hudson couldn't wait to paint it when we got home.

Here is Hudson at one of the painting stations:

Here you can see the brown paper on the fences and some of the masterpieces the kids have created.

Here are the Dad's hanging out: