Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hannah's Halloween Birthday Party

Last weekend, our friends/neighbors had a Halloween themed birthday party for their daughter, Hannah. Hudson and all of the kids there had a great time!! Here is my itsy bitsy spider!!
He was completely fasinated by the eyeball tree.

Jason taught him how to put the eyesball up to his eye and pretend his eye was falling out. He thought it was hilarious! Before we knew it all of the kids were pretending their eyes were falling out!

All of the kids got to make their own trick or treat bags. Hudson's had a vampire on it but I didn't get a good picture of it.

The skeleton laid his hands down and it didn't take Hudson long to find them. He kind of looks like a spider mime!

All of the kids got in a circle and played "Trick-or-treat". They had to draw a game piece out of the pumpkin. If they drew a "treat" then they automatically got to pick out a treat from the treat basket. If they drew a "trick" then they had to do the "trick" (act like a monkey, sing a Hannah Montana song, sing Happy Birthday to Hannah, etc) and then they earned a treat from the basket! It was lots of fun for the kids and entertaining for me to watch.

Here is the birthday girl showing us one of the Littlest Pet Shop things we got her for her birthday.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

What a cute little spider! Few things cuter than babies in costumes!