Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011


At London's 15 month check up back on Jan. 26th, Dr. John asked how many words she can say.  I thought about it and as I tried to quickly tally them up in my head, I realized she knows too many to count!  I told him that and he asked how many real words she can say.  I said if I had to guess I would say 20 or more but she'll also repeat just about anything you ask her to.  Her teachers told me she can talk better than most of the kids in the toddler class!  I'm going to try to think of all of her words right now and see how close I was:

Dada,  Mama,  Gigi,  Papa,  Bubba or Son (Hudson),  She knows all of her friends names at school, Thank You,  Peek-a-boo,  Uh-oh (spaghetti-o's),   Baby,  Sorry,  Hi,  Hello,  Bye-bye,  More,  Bath,  Help,  Up,  Milk,  Cracker, Paci,  Bubble,  Kitty,  Duck,  Fish, Ladybug, All done,  Hot,  Clap,  Poo-poo (she sometimes tells us when she goes), Apple,  Banana,  Eye,  Ear,  Nose,  Teeth,  Mouth,  Hair, Belly Button,  Shoes,  Socks,  Ball,  Book,  No, Yah,  Yay,  Pretty,  Silly,  Yummy (she says 'Me!'), eewwww (not sure if that's really a word but she uses it correctly),  Cheese (when taking a picture),  Help, Good morning,  Excuse me, What's that?, Knock Knock,  Outside,  Amen!...I'm sure there are lots more that I'll have to add to this list as I think of them. 

She also knows the following signs:

more,  all done, milk, hungry, hot, bath, help, thank you/you're welcome, fish, elephant, Ball, Book, no/yes

She can make the following animal sounds:

cat (meow), dog (woof, woof), monkey (ooo, ooo), elephant (brrrrrr, while raising her arm like a trunk), lion (growl), snake (ssssss), rooster (cock-a-doodle-doo), Bee (bzzzz), pig (oink oink), cow (moo)

She sings/signs parts of the following songs:

Itsy Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake, Row Your Boat and she sings back-up to Jason's Huddy Buddy song, and she can say a lot of the Primrose Prayer


She has been working on getting some new teeth since the beginning of January.  One of her top teeth next to the top right front tooth has officially broken through.  She has a molar, the top left tooth, and a bottom tooth that are about to break through as well.  She has lots of others that are right behind them so I know the poor, sweet girl has to be in lots of pain.

This little girl is a sponge and watches Hudson very intently.  She snached his spoon before I put her in her chair and she refused to give it back.  She decided it was time for her to stop using her fingers to eat and to start using utensils.  She was very messy but very determined and somehow manged to get the job done!

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