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Monday, December 27, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Holladay’s (actually The Collins')

 We headed home to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving this year.  We arrived at my parents' house the night before Thanksgiving.  Hudson couldn't have been more ready to get there when we did.  He was so incredibly tired of sitting for so long.  One of the best inventions ever is the travel DVD player!  I don't know how parents traveled long distances back in the day.  London did pretty well on the trip too! 

We spent Thanksgiving day with Jason's side of the family.  We went over to Eva's house where she and Sherri, along with the additions everyone else brought, made a fantastic meal.  Thank you ladies!! 

Hudson was very stand off-ish when we got there because he didn't know anyone.  He kept burying his head in my lap or sat in the corner to hide.  Plus we had to wake him up from his nap to go over there and that is never a good thing for him.  But thank goodness for Tristen's awesome girlfriend!  She is fantastic with kids!  She sat down next to Hudson and began playing with his toys with him.  Before we knew it, he had a new best friend and he was his wild self.
We found out that Josh and his wife had just had a beautiful baby girl 4 days before Thanksgiving.  I just realized I didn't get Sherri in any of these!
Unfortunately, Jason's Dad was not feeling well and didn't make the trip down so we didn't get to see him.  It was great seeing everyone and catching up though!  Love you all!

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