Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Flashback 1

Since I didn't start blogging until Hudson was over a year old, I thought I'd start posting some earlier pictures of him.  A little rewind if you will...

One day, Jason and I were shopping at the mall and a lady stopped us and asked if she could take maternity photos of me to use in her portfolio for her photography business.  Jason responded with, "Oh, she's not pregnant.".  A brief look of horror came across the lady's face!  I then told her I would love to!  She also took Hudson's newborn photos.  She used the photos to hang in some of the area Dr's offices as advertisement and we also made her website.  However, she only does weddings now so that was our short lived moment of small-time celebrity!  Here are a couple of the photos she took that I just came across (I have a lot more but I don't think I scanned them):

Hudson Kade Holladay: born 11/7/06  6 lbs. 11 oz. 21 in.

I went into labor at mid-night of his due date.  I woke Jason up to tell him I thought I just had a contraction.  He drowsily and unimpressed said, "Okay, wake me up when they're close together.".  Anxiety set in but I laid back down and a few minutes later I had another one.  After 4 contractions, my water broke!  Jason sprung out of bed and into action!  He and my mom were exhilirated and I was terrified.  I just knew my water wasn't going to break because the statistics say only 10% of women actually experience their water breaking naturally.  My mom said her water never broke with either of her pregnancies so I just knew I wouldn't be part of the 10%...but I was!  I was just thankful iy happened at home! Since it was the middle of the night, there was no traffic and all of the stop lights were flashing so we never had to wait.  It was a fairly quick trip to the hospital and I was in my room with a pain-free epidural before I knew it. 

The picture below is my delivery dream team!  Dr. Hampton was pregnant with her 1st baby in this picture and had a baby boy about a month after Hudson was born.  She also delivered London!  She is FANTASTIC!! When Jason first saw this picture he noticed that he and Dr. Hampton kinda look alike---and they do!  If he had a sister she'd probably look like Dr. Hampton!

Hudson was born face up so he took a while to come out and had a major cone head!  Luckily, I had an epidural and didn't feel anything...until later!  It was a much longer and more painful healing process with his birth versus London's birth.  But VERY much worth it!!

Hudson and his Daddy on his first day home:

Hudson's first bath!  I was sooooo nervous!  I had never bathed a baby before...or much else to care for a baby.  I took just about every class the hospital offered to try and learn as much as I could.  I also read lots of books!  (Baby Wise was one of my favorites for any new moms that might be reading this)

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