Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Park/Library Day

Today Hudson and I went to a new park to play. This park has an awesome pool so we'll come back another day to go swimming and play on the water slides! I just found out that another pool area is opening up near us and they will have a lazy river we can play on so we'll try that one out when we get back from Ohio! While we were busy playing on the playground we looked up and noticed a big jack rabbit! Hudson thought the rabbit was pretty cool but wanted to chase him into the woods after he hopped away. After the park, we went to the library to cool off and read some books. Hudson LOVES books but he was quickly distracted from his book when he noticed all of the kids his age at the puzzle tables. I was amazed at how quickly he put the puzzle together on the first try!
Later in the evening Hudson had the best time throwing a blanket over Eli! Eli had fun too as he kept coming back for more. This isn't the best video because it is dark and Eli is solid black so you really can't see him at all...but you can hear all of the giggles!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to come swim in the lazy river! It is funny because today during lunch I told matt I wanted a lazy river at our house instead of a pool. He said it would be too expensive :( But I am happy you are getting one!