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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday: out on the town

Today we took my parents downtown to the Art Car parade. I had never been so we didn't really know what to expect. There were a lot of people and parking was scarce. Jason finally found a spot that was so borderline illegal that he tried to bend back the pole of the "No Parking ->" sign. This was so that he looked a little more legal and he could worry a little less about being towed away (the sign was already at a sharp angle so he was just helping out the city by correcting their sign). We had previously tired several attempts to bribe parking lot/business security gaurds but I guess no one was hard up for an extra $20. The parade was actually really cool and it was quite entertaining to see all of the crazy creations people could turn a car into. After the parade we decided to pray that our truck was still where we left it and head home to hang out and visit.

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