Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Mom

(I'm getting caught up again!)
While we were in OK during Memorial Weekend, we celebrated my Mom's birthday since we wouldn't be with her on her actual birthday.  Hudson couldn't wait to put the candles on her cake and sing to her!

Hudson got to go on his first Harley ride with Jason.  They just made the circle around the hill on the dirt road.  I was nervous the whole time but they were very careful and Hudson loved it...of course.

 We brought Hudson's tent so he and Daddy could 'camp' out.  They put the tent up and Hudson played inside forever.  Then it got dark out and he, Jason, and Gigi looked for shooting stars in the sky.  When it was time to go to bed, he said he was done camping and wanted to go sleep inside!!  Maybe next time!

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